Author: Steadfast Admin

Batman and The Joker have long been a favorite storyline(s) for fans of the series and many writers have enjoyed working on it. Now… The “Clown Price of Crime” is being updated to match Social Justice Warrior standards by having his “sanity returned” and becoming a left-wing politician who rallies Americans against The Dark Knight whom he’s going to be painting as a fascist oppressor of sorts. This’ll be one for the books… Here’s a video but warning… strong language! As reported by The Daily Wire: Murphy told The Wire in an interview, “My main goal was to undo the comic tropes…

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Noah Rothman of the “Commentary” magazine has pointed his finger squarely at former President Barack Obama for leaving the Democratic Party in shambles after he’s second term ended. He suggested that the primary reason he’s re-entering the public eye is to help rebuild it… sorry, bub, but the DNC dug it’s own hole just fine without Obama. “He has a reputation to rehabilitate. He left the Democratic Party in tatters and he has to help reestablish that,” Rothman said. He went on to state that it’s not a good idea for Obama to get involved in public policy as well…

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Patrisse Cullors, one of the three co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement stated this week during an interview that President Donald Trump is “literally” attempting to “kill our communities” on par with Adolf Hitler. How? Seriously… no one on the left or in these “movements” can ever cite a real source… “We wouldn’t as a movement take a seat at the table with Trump because we wouldn’t have done that with Hitler. Trump is literally the epitome of evil, all the evils of this country, be it racism, capitalism, sexism, homophobia and he has set out the most dangerous…

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President Donald Trump has signed an emergency disaster declaration for Texas in regards to Hurricane Harvey making landfall Friday near Rockport, Texas. This puts him ahead of the curve against both Bush and Obama who waited for disasters to happen before making the declaration. President Donald Trump sent out a tweet on Friday stating “At the request of the Governor of Texas, I have signed the Disaster Proclamation, which unleashes the full force of government help!”. This declaration will allow for federal resources to come to the aid of Texas even during the rains and the wind. At the request of the Governor…

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To some Alex Jones is a genius who is always spitting out the truth. To some others, he’s way into conspiracies and they wonder how much he knows… and to others, he’s a whack-a-doo. The people in Seattle seem to take to the whack-a-doo approach. Calling the people from Seattle “the biggest cucks on the planet” the headstrong media personality took to the streets to ask people some questions… whether they’re real or not, who knows LOL. Essentially, he’s asking people about the mainstream media attempting to tank the stock market. “Did you see how newspapers everywhere said the economy…

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Walt Heyer has undergone some criticism as of late for “bashing” transgender surgery and many people online are calling him out for it… but they fail to realize that Heyer as LIVED IT! Heyer did the entire treatment; hormones, having his male member removed, the whole works and now the Post-op survivor has declared that the entire process, and even “longing” of living as a woman, is a huge mistake on his part, claiming that you are not a woman but just “mutilating yourself”. As reported by The Daily Wire: Writing in The Daily Signal, Walt Heyer, who underwent the full…

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An insane new list of demands (that’s how I read it anyway) has been released by an known Black Lives Matter associate and you won’t believe what they’re calling for. The article,  “White people, here are 10 requests from a Black Lives Matter leader,” was written by Chanelle Helm, who describes herself as a co-founder of the BLM movement in Louisville, released this for Leo Weekly. Among the many really wild “demands” she writes, “If you don’t have any descendants, will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.” White people who can…

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Bryan Zollinger, a state lawmaker in Idaho, is going on the offensive when he claimed that former President Barack Obama might have helped staged the entire Charlottesville, Virginia incident. He shared an article which suggests the “United the Right” rally itself was created by Obama and other top Democrats including Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer and billionaire donor George Soros. The incident, as you know, caused at least one death and has appeared to only fuel the fires of the alt-Left and the alt-Right. Suggesting that such a group of Democratic elitists may have played a role in what happened…

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Steve Bannon seems to be prepping his Breitbart machine up for what appears to be a heavy attack on President Donald Trump. Just after finishing his Afghanistan policy speech this week, Breitbart got very aggressive and critical with President Trump’s approach of the address as well as the policy laid out by the POTUS with the headline stating that the President essentially “flip-flopped” on the issue. Despite initial appearances to the contrary and President Trump boosting positive vibes for Bannon and Breitbart, it’s becoming more and more clear that Bannon is not holding any punches. As reported by Politico: Articles likened…

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