Rudy Martine, a “journalist” at Texas State, wrote one heck of an article titled ““Your DNA Is An Abomination” which refers to white people.
In the piece, they states “white death will mean liberation for all” and thankfully none of you let her of so easy. She’s since attempted to issue an apology but not really an apology… you know, still wanting to take up for it. One could construe that to mean she doesn’t really mean it.
As reported by Michael Jones for The College Fix:
Student Rudy Martinez has come under fire for his Nov. 28 column in The University Star titled “Your DNA is an abomination.” The editor in chief of the campus newspaper has even issued an apology over its publication.
But Martinez, in an interview Wednesday with The College Fix, doubled down on his arguments.
“The article speaks for itself,” he told The College Fix via email. “… Though my language, especially when I claim to have only ever met ‘12 decent white people,’ could be deemed as hyperbolic (just barely), it has accomplished its goal: starting a conversation and outing racists.”
“… Was the piece racist? Nope; racist attitudes come from a position of power,” Martinez added in his email. “The only group who have ever held true power in this nation are those who call themselves ‘white.’”
“Ontologically speaking, white death will mean liberation for all … accept this death as the first step toward defining yourself as something other than the oppressor,” Martinez wrote in his column. “Until then, remember this: I hate you because you shouldn’t exist. You are both the dominant apparatus on the planet and the void in which all other cultures, upon meeting you, die.”
Martinez’s column also touched on his personal interactions with white people.
“When I think of all the white people I have ever encountered – whether they’ve been professors, peers, lovers, friends, police officers, et cetera – there is perhaps only a dozen I would consider ‘decent,’” Martinez’s op-ed stated.
“In your whiteness, you are granted the luxury of not having to think about race daily. Your heartbeat does not speed up when you get pulled over and find yourself staring at the red-and-blue lights of the fascist foot soldiers we call the police. You don’t leave your home wondering if you will ever come back. You don’t give a damn,” his column also stated.
In his email Wednesday to The College Fix, Martinez said that for those who find his column insulting, infuriating or racist, he has some reading recommendations. Namely, Frantz Fanon’s “The Wretched of the Earth,” Dr. Huey P. Newton’s “Revolutionary Suicide,” Valerie Solanas’ “SCUM Manifesto” and “The Autobiography of Malcolm X.”