Matthew Perry, the beloved star of the hit TV show “Friends,” tragically passed away last month at the age of 54, following a ketamine overdose. Despite his public battle with addiction and efforts to overcome it, a close friend of Perry has revealed that the actor was never truly clean from his substance abuse issues.
In his 2022 best-selling memoir, Perry had shared his journey towards sobriety, crediting a sober coach and a close friend for their support. However, according to a source close to Perry, the actor had continued to struggle with his addiction in private. “He lied to everyone about being clean. He never was. It is very sad. You know, the biggest lie he told was probably to himself,” the friend disclosed.
Perry’s death was a result of the “acute effects of ketamine” combined with drowning, as confirmed by the Los Angeles coroner’s office. The autopsy also cited contributing factors such as coronary artery disease and the effects of buprenorphine, a medication used to treat opioid use disorder. The actor was found face-down in the jacuzzi at his Los Angeles home on October 28.
The medical examiner noted that Perry had been receiving ketamine infusion therapy for depression, but the last session occurred a week and a half before his death. The high levels of ketamine found in his system at the time of death were likened to those of a hospital patient under general anesthesia.
Perry’s struggle with addiction was well-documented, with the actor himself detailing his journey in his memoir. He had spent a significant amount of money and effort on rehab and detox programs, attending thousands of AA meetings and multiple rehab stints. At one point, he was consuming 55 Vicodin a day.
Despite his challenges, Perry had claimed to be 18 months sober in October 2022, a year before his death. However, his actions on the day before his passing, where he refused to even hold a wine menu during lunch, indicated his commitment to sobriety.
Perry’s memoir also highlighted the support he received from his personal assistant, Morgan Moses, whom he described as his rock and best friend. Moses, a sober companion, had been a significant figure in Perry’s life, helping him through his recovery journey.
The autopsy revealed the long-term effects of Perry’s substance abuse, including damage to his heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. Despite these health challenges, Perry had taken up healthier activities like pickleball and was leading a more balanced lifestyle.
Perry’s death and the circumstances surrounding it have shed light on the complexities of addiction and the challenges faced by those in the public eye struggling with substance abuse. His passing was mourned by many, including his “Friends” co-stars, who attended a private ceremony at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in the Hollywood Hills to pay their respects.