House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has been urging her fellow Democrats to stop pushing for impeachment against Donald Trump but obviously, they haven’t been listening.
For months she attempted to stop them from making that rather stupid move, knowing it would be fruitless. Fifty-eight Democrats voted in favor of impeachment despite her wishes.
“Now is not the time to consider articles of impeachment,” Pelosi and Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer said in a joint statement.
This move only adds fuel to the fire against an alleged “Democrat Civil War” on this front as well, for example, some Dems calling for Conyers resignation against the wishes of others.
Let’s not forget that Pelosi was one of the first to call for his impeachment before he was even sworn in!
As reported by Peter Hasson for The Daily Caller:
Pelosi’s hesitance to push impeachment has put her at odds with left-wing activist groups who have been demanding Trump’s impeachment since before he was even sworn into office.
Democratic Michigan Rep. John Conyers’ resignation last Friday represented another victory for House Democrats who have bucked Pelosi’s authority.
Sworn affidavits signed by four of his former staffers describe Conyers, who resigned on Friday, as a serial sexual harasser who preyed on his female staffers and demanded sexual favors from them. Conyers also allegedly abused taxpayer resources to pursue sexual relationships with women.
Pelosi initially defended the 88-year-old Conyers as “an icon” and deferred to a House Ethics Committee investigation — a process that can stretch out for years.
It took Pelosi 10 days to call for the establishment Democrat’s resignation, which she did only after facing the prospect of a revolt from members furious over Conyers remaining in office.
Rep. Rice stormed out of a meeting with House Democrats early because she didn’t believe they weren’t serious about trying to address sexual harassment. “I don’t have time for meetings that aren’t real,” she told reporters.