In an unexpected turn of events, former President Donald Trump has reportedly shed 25 pounds and even managed to gain an additional inch in height since April. These surprising changes came to light as jail records were submitted after his surrender to Fulton County authorities, in connection with charges linked to his alleged endeavors to reverse the 2020 election results in Georgia.
According to ABC News, the recorded measurements indicate that Trump now tips the scale at 215 pounds and stands at an imposing height of 6’3″. This marks a noticeable transformation from his previous figures when he was booked in Manhattan last April – back then, he was listed as weighing 240 pounds and standing at 6’2″.
These revised measurements have left a trail of raised eyebrows and skepticism, particularly within the online realm, once known as Twitter and now referred to as X.
“215? That’s an insane lie,” quipped Rick Wilson, a co-founder of the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump political action committee. Hollywood filmmaker Rob Reiner echoed this disbelief, asserting, “215 pounds? No f—ing way!”
The reported height and weight have prompted a wave of incredulous reactions, with users on X expressing doubts about the accuracy of these figures. People have pointed out the perceived implausibility of Trump’s reported 6’3″, 215-pound frame by comparing him to professional athletes and highlighting the stark contrast in visual appearance.
The observation of Trump’s dimensions resembling those of athletes has sparked humorous commentary, such as the comparison between former NFL wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald’s 6’3″, 218-pound stats and Trump’s reported measurements. References to Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson’s shared height and weight with Trump have also added a comical twist.
Cable news anchors also joined the chorus of skepticism, with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow playfully joking about the resemblance between Trump’s dimensions and those of an athlete. MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace and CNN’s Jake Tapper further fueled the discussion by speculating on Trump’s weight loss journey since his presidency.
As these revelations came to light, comparisons to Trump’s physical exams as president emerged. His final examination in June 2020 indicated a weight of 244 pounds and a height of 6’3″, which, based on body mass index calculations, classified him as clinically obese.
The reported changes in Trump’s weight and height have sparked a mix of reactions, ranging from humorous disbelief to curious speculation about the accuracy of the disclosed figures.