Renowned actress Susan Sarandon, known for her Oscar-winning performance in “Dead Man Walking,” issued a public apology for remarks made during a pro-Palestinian rally in New York City last month. Sarandon, addressing a crowd at Union Square on November 17, had made comments that inadvertently suggested Jewish people were unfamiliar with persecution. Her statement, shared on Instagram, acknowledged the insensitivity of her words and the historical struggles faced by the Jewish community.
In her apology, Sarandon recognized the long history of Jewish oppression, from the horrors of European genocide to modern incidents like the Tree of Life synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. She expressed regret for her phrasing, which she described as a “terrible mistake,” acknowledging that it wrongly implied Jews were new to experiencing discrimination and violence. Sarandon clarified that her impromptu speech at the rally, which she attended with activists focusing on the crisis in Gaza, was unintended but resulted from an unexpected invitation to speak.
The fallout from her initial remarks was significant, leading to her parting ways with United Talent Agency (UTA), who had represented her since 2014. The agency’s decision came after internal discontent among staff members over Sarandon’s comments, as reported by Page Six. This controversy led to Sarandon being in the public eye again, notably seen in the West Village donning attire she wore at the rally.
Sarandon’s apology post, her first on Instagram since November 20, marks a departure from her typical social media activity, which had primarily focused on sharing pro-Palestinian protest events. In concluding her statement, Sarandon reaffirmed her commitment to peace, truth, justice, and compassion for all, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and understanding, especially with those holding differing views.