The CIA has released video footage showing Osama bin Laden’s family life and what they show is far from the “living in a cave in fear” lifestyle we were all fed.
The videos are being released six and a half years after Seal Team Six raided his Abbottabad compound and killed the man behind the 9/11 attacks.
These video show what appears to be, among other things, a rather normal and happy family life full of laughs, farm animals, and kids practicing shooting guns at water balloons.
Essentially, the possibility now exists about whether or not bin Laden had help from the Pakistani government to stay hidden for nearly a decade.
As reported by Daily Mail:
Materials that still have not been released are being withheld because they could harm national security, are blank, corrupted or duplicate files, are pornographic or are protected by copyright, said a CIA statement.
The copyright-protected materials include more than two dozen videos such as Antz, Cars and other animated films, the role-playing game Final Fantasy VII and Where in the World is Osama bin Laden and two other documentaries about the Al Qaeda leader, the CIA said.
‘Today’s release of recovered Al Qaeda letters, videos, audio files and other materials provides the opportunity for the American people to gain further insights into the plans and workings of this terrorist organization,’ said CIA Director Mike Pompeo.
‘CIA will continue to seek opportunities to share information with the American people consistent with our obligation to protect national security.’
The materials released on Wednesday are posted online – here – in their original Arabic.
They include bin Laden’s personal journal and 18,000 document files, about 79,000 audio and image files and more than 10,000 video files, the CIA said.
The CIA said that the materials, like those released in the past, provide insights into the origins of the differences between Al Qaeda and Islamic State, disagreements within Al Qaeda and its allies, and the problems Al Qaeda faced at the time of bin Laden’s death.