Judicial Watch, a watchdog group which frequently files for information via the Freedom of Information Act, will have a case heard in a federal appeals court and seek an indictment against Hillary Clinton and the Whitewater scandal from the 1990s.
The group filed an official FOIA request for related documents in both March 2015 and October 2015 with the hopes of obtaining 238 pages of records.
Part of the filing states:
“Plaintiff Judicial Watch, Inc. brings this action against Defendant National Archives and Records Administration to compel compliance with the Freedom of information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 (“FOIA”). ”
“By letter dated March 19, 2015, Defendant admitted receiving Plaintiff’s FOIA request on March 17, 2015 and informed Plaintiff that it had assigned the request “FOIA case number 46068.” Defendant’s letter also admitted locating records responsive to the request. Specifically, Defendant admitted that it found 38 pages of responsive records in a folder entitled “Draft Indictment” in box 2250 and approximately 200 pages of responsive records in a folder entitled “Hillary Rodham Clinton/Webster L. Hubbell Draft Indictment” in box 2256. Defendant denied Plaintiff’s request in full, however, invoking FOIA Exemption (b)(7)(C) to withhold all 238 pages of responsive records. No responsive records or portions thereof have ever been produced to Plaintiff. ”
Here’s hoping we get some good news from this latest request. And I’m also enjoying that groups like this are even digging up stuff from decades ago.
As reported by Teresa Welsh for McClatchyDC.com:
The documents in question are alleged drafts of indictments written by Hickman Ewing, the chief deputy of Kenneth Starr, the independent counsel appointed to investigate Bill and Hillary Clinton’s alleged involvement in fraudulent real estate dealings. Although others were sentenced for their role in the matter, neither Clinton was ever prosecuted.
Ewing told investigators he drafted the indictments in April 1995. According to Judicial Watch, the documents pertain to allegations that Hillary Clinton provided false information and withheld information from those investigating Whitewater.