Kathleen Murphy, a delegate who represents parts of Fairfax and Loudon counties in Virginia and who is also up for re-election, once bragged about working for a congressman on Capitol Hill who “liked attractive women around” and even called them “Charlie’s Angels”.
Why? Well, this was back in the 1990s with former Democratic Texas Rep. Charlie Wilson.
In an interview with a Stephen F. Austin State University professor, she highlighted what it was like working in Charlie Wilson’s office.
“Well, I was a Charlie’s Angel. I mean you don’t work for Charlie and not be a Charlie’s Angel,” Murphy said in 2012. She also added that the former Texas congressman “liked attractive women around because we diverted attention and gave him the upper hand” when dealing with his political rivals.
It gets wilder. He made clear implications, if you ask me at least, of how he viewed women. Even going as far as to ask her if she knew what makeup was… really dude?
“I went to work over in [Second Lady Tipper Gore’s] office and had lunch with Charlie one day. He brought [his wife] Jerry along, and we reminisced and had a hoot of a time,” Murphy said.
“Then he and I talked again several times, and he asked me how it was going with Tipper.”
“I said, well, if I didn’t get a job soon I would be the only volunteer at the White House who was going to go on welfare,” Murphy said she told Wilson in an “off the cuff remark.” Murphy said Wilson called a few days after their White House meeting to offer her a job in his congressional office.
“He asked me if I knew what a markup was. I said, ‘of course not, you must be kidding.’ I was married to a member of Congress, I have no idea how this works, but I knew all of the people,” Murphy said.
Check out one of her former campaign ads here…