Michael Goodwin of The New York Post went on a rather long and very left-leaning view of the current state of the Trump Presidency. Seemingly make it seem as if President Trump is at fault for what is essentially taking up for himself. Let’s go over some points…
The first basket includes the low moments of last week — the collapse of the ObamaCare repeal effort, Anthony Scaramucci’s profane attack on Priebus and Steve Bannon and the fact that Trump’s declaration of a ban on transgenders serving in the military caught the Pentagon off guard.
This “first basket” — Yes, the ObamaCare repeal failed but that’s hardly Trump’s fault. In fact, let’s point one of those fingers at John McCain, shall we?
This “second basket” — Anthony Scaramucci “profane” interview was actually well received by a lot of people, the voters. While it’s not very… politically correctness, part of the reason we voted Donald Trump in was to help curb this “correctness”. It may not be my cup of tea but I also have no issue with it.
The “third basket” — Banning Transgenders from the military is, in all honesty, small beans. The military rejects a number of applicants for a wide variety of reasons. The move can make sense, especially fiscally. Heck, some branches of the military reject you for having “flat feet” so give me a break on this outcry from the left.
Also… if you have no intention of serving in the military you have no right to speak up against any actions it determines. The military isn’t an elected branch of the government. People volunteer and adhere to certain standards and criteria… ok I got to stop. I could go all day on this.
So he further states,
So it is with Trump. Problems, some of them self-inflicted, that looked temporary and manageable have been compounded over time and are reaching a crisis point. Most important, he is losing flexibility to act just as Mueller expands his probe into Trump’s business empire as well as his 2016 campaign.
This is… all opinion. I’m sure Mr. Goodwin knows that but come on… you can’t believe everything you see on mainstream media. We The People are happy with the job he’s done so far. And ultimately we can prove it during the next round of elections all around.
All in all, I found the article hard to swallow. Here’s some more, for your objective viewing…
As reported by The New York Post:
I believe Trump is rattled by those reports and by the fact that one of his sons, Donald Trump Jr., and son-in-law Jared Kushner have been dragged before congress; both also are likely to be summoned by Mueller.
I also believe Mueller’s aggressiveness helps explain Trump’s stepped-up attacks on Sessions, whose recusal led to Mueller’s appointment.
When Sessions, citing Justice Department regulations, stepped aside from any matter involving the 2016 campaign, he put the power in the hands of his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller after Trump fired FBI director James Comey.
More than a month ago, I urged Trump to replace Sessions so he could have someone to oversee Mueller and keep him from going beyond the initial assignment. But the revolt by the former Alabama’s Senator’s colleagues has blocked that path, and Sessions has rejected invitations to resign.
Hence, the conclusion that the president is trapped with no protection or escape from Mueller.
Trump, of course, has been counted out many times in the last two years, but always managed to bounce back. He could do it again because he retains enthusiastic support among most of those who voted for him, and less White House chaos and a big victory on tax reform could fuel another comeback.
As a bonus, strong public support would keep congressional Republicans in his corner.
But the uncertainty about where Mueller is going and what, if anything, he is finding adds a unique dimension to Trump’s troubles. That’s what makes this situation so perilous.