While Republicans all over the country are denouncing white supremacist groups like the ones who took part in Charlottesville, Boothe pointed out that no Democratic leader has denounced the actions of Antifa, specifically naming names such as Barbara Lee and Nancy Pelosi. Antifa just this past weekened attacked what turned out to be a peaceful right-leaning (note not alt-right) demonstration that happened in Berkeley, CA.
“I think what we need to see is marginalizing these hate groups, like we saw when so many people came together to denounce what we saw in Charlottesville,” Boothe said. “Unfortunately, we’re not seeing that same rebuke of groups like Antifa.”
“I have not seen one Democratic leader say that these groups should stop their ways,” she continued. “Where is Congresswoman Barbara Lee who represents the 13th district of California, where is former Speaker Nancy Pelosi who represents the nearby district of the 12th?”
“If we truly want to stamp out hate in this country…it needs to be denounced in all of its forms and I haven’t seen anyone on the left denounce this group,” Boothe concluded.
As reported by Fox News:
It was mostly peaceful until a group of more than 100 hooded, anti-fascist protesters busted through police lines, avoiding security checks by officers to take away possible weapons.
They began kicking and punching the right-wing demonstrators until they were stopped by the police. Officers reported at least 13 arrests.
On “America’s Newsroom” today, Lisa Boothe said it’s important that we marginalize “hate groups” of all kinds.
“So many people came together to denounce what we saw in Charlottesville with those neo-Nazi groups, those white supremacists,” Boothe said. “Unfortunately, we’re not seeing that same rebuke of groups like Antifa.”
She said she has yet to see one Democratic leader come out against violent left-wing groups and declare that what happened in Berkeley on Sunday is unacceptable.