This should speak VOLUMES to those of you reading this. Mexico WANTS sanctuary cities in the United States. So much so that they’ve filed an affidavit this week to try and stop the punishment of those cities in the state of Texas.
Why wouldn’t they want their own citizens to stay where they are? Could it be because more revenue is generated for them when it’s sent back home than they could ever do there? With all this Liberal nonsense talk about how well the country of Mexico is doing… again, this speaks volumes.
According to the affidavit:
The Government of Mexico today filed an affidavit with the Court of the West Texas District in San Antonio in support of a request by civil society organizations to suspend the entry into force of SB4 of that state, scheduled for September 1st. Laws like SB4 further criminalize the migratory phenomenon; Open spaces for possible acts of racial discrimination; Reduce the collaboration of the migrant community with local authorities; And foster an environment of persecution.
First, this may not be accurate. I used Google to translate this but it’s pretty clear what the intent is. You can read more about it here.
As written for The Daily Caller by Alex Pfeiffer:
Mexico filed an affidavit Monday in support of a lawsuit against the implementation of a Texas law to punish sanctuary cities and allow police officers to inquire about the immigration status of someone they have arrested or detained.
The Mexican government said in a statement that the law could increase racial discrimination and create an environment of persecution.
The statement said that the number of calls to the center for information and assistance for Mexicans in Texas in May and June increased 678 percent compared to the year prior. This is reflexive of the uncertainty and “anguish” that the Mexican community in Texas has felt due to the law.
Mexico Joins The Legal Battle Against Anti-Sanctuary City Law