Melissa Barrera, known for her role in the “Scream” series, has been released from her role in the upcoming “Scream VII” by Spyglass Media. This move follows her recent social media activity regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict, which stirred significant backlash due to perceived anti-Semitic sentiments. Sources close to the situation informed Deadline of this development.
In her online statements, Barrera, 33, strongly commented on the conflict, emphasizing her heritage in one post with the phrase, “I too am from a colonized country,” accompanied by a Mexican flag emblem. Her advocacy for Palestine was also evident in her posts.
In one of her recent statements, Barrera expressed a preference for inclusion based on principles rather than exclusion. She further compared the situation in Gaza to a concentration camp, criticizing the treatment of people there and labeling it as genocide and ethnic cleansing.
Barrera’s role as Sam Carpenter in “Scream” was notable for its success, with the 2022 film grossing $137.7 million globally and “Scream VI” in 2023 earning even higher at $168.9 million worldwide.
“Scream VII,” initially scheduled for a 2025 release, faces delays due to industry strikes. Representatives for Barrera and Spyglass Media have been approached for comments on the recent turn of events.