Malnourished soldiers from the 43rd Brigade in North Korea are getting fed up with their current circumstance and resorted to some pretty low tactics just to eat!
They’re raiding the country’s own farms just to eat!
“Soldiers from the 43rd Brigade raided the fields one night. They all gathered for the surprise attack, fanned out across the farms and swept up all the corn,” a source in Ryanggang Province revealed to Daily NK. “It’s not an everyday occurrence for the 43rd Brigade to go around plundering the farms, but they have become much more brazen,” the source added.
If you believe it, this Brigade is considered special forces and were trained specifically in nighttime and mountain warfare, set to protect sites in North Korea from stealth attacks. But’s OK, because apparently Kim has praised conducting nighttime raids on local farms.
“It’s a disgrace that soldiers are stealing food because they are hungry, but we should not blame the soldiers entirely. The problem is that the regime does not feed its own military, which means that pillaging will only continue,” Daily NK’s source introduced.
But it should come as no surprise as it’s well-known throughout the world that the wayward country has trouble feeding it’s own people.
“The regime has not been providing enough food for its army,” a source inside North Korea revealed in August. Officers have reportedly instructed their soldiers to steal food to increase readiness. “The military officers are instructing their soldiers, exhausted after training, to eat corn in the fields because war is imminent,” North Korean insiders told Daily NK this past summer. “They are even threatening their soldiers, saying, ‘If you become malnourished despite permission to eat the corn, you will face difficulties,” the source in North Hamgyong Province explained.
This might have a bit to do with the harsh sanctions recently placed on them which even saw Kim “pulling a Saddam” on the matter.
As reported by Daily NK:
“During the Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il eras, the military at least feigned complete loyalty to the leader and the party, but these days they only worry about finding food and earning money. It doesn’t really matter if your military is 1 or 2 million-people-strong if almost none of them are actually following proper military routine,” a separate source in Ryanggang Province explained.
“After liberation (from Japan), Kim Il Sung promised land to the young people and started the (Korean War), but now it’s all just Kim Jong Un’s land, and people don’t feel loyalty to the regime. These days, young soldiers say that ‘if war breaks out again, the first thing we will do is loot the banks in Seoul.”
With no provisions from the government and facing the arduous task of gathering their own supplies, discipline among soldiers is said to be rapidly deteriorating, while criminal activity is reaching new levels. Continued neglect of the military is likely to result in further loss of confidence among the people.