Crap… You’re done, you’re finished! STOP! Former President Barack Obama is currently making plans to reemerge back on the national scene and in the next few weeks, he and his team will be coming up with ways to allow him to once again become part of the political platform in the United States.
Albeit, he’s looking for a more behind the scenes sort of roll (smells like deep state crap to me). But he plans to focus on fundraising and the like.
As reported by The Hill:
Aides will huddle with Obama in the coming weeks to plot out what shape the former president’s fall schedule will take. Advisers close to him say that while he will play an active role in helping his party rebuild, much of his work will be behind the scenes.
He is likely to take on fundraising, for example, something he has done for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee since leaving office.
In recent months, Obama has played a larger behind-the-scenes role than was publicly known.
The Hill reported in July that he met with DNC Chairman Tom Perez as well as lawmakers at his office to give his guidance on a number of issues.
But advisers to the former president acknowledge he also doesn’t want to be “a foil” — as one top ally put it — for President Trump and the Republican leadership.
In recent months, Trump blamed Obama for doing “nothing” about Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election. He also taunted him for never coming to a Boy Scout jamboree and went after his policies on everything from healthcare to Cuba and North Korea.
Obama has chosen to remain silent. And even during the recent healthcare fight over his signature legislation, for example, he sought to keep a low profile.
“He has to be careful,” said Julian Zelizer, a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University. “At a moment when President Trump’s approval is falling so fast — including with his base — there is a risk for Obama taking center stage and triggering the energy that many Republicans currently lack.”